Blog 3

Choose one (or more) of your planned learning activities from your Blueprint and identify any barriers for student success. How can you alter or adjust your current plan to reduce those barriers?

The most essential perspective is whether children with and without disabilities can acquire knowledge while understanding the content of the class and feeling a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment from participating in the learning process. Learning providers, such as professors and teachers, are also responsible for designing learning activities that can be used by all. With these considerations in mind, one of the learning activities planned in the Blueprint, the oral exam, has many barriers to student success. This oral exam is planned to be conducted in an interactive format in which the student and instructor use Zoom.

Potential Barriers to the oral assessment

  • Unable to set aside a specific time for the assessmnet.
  • Hearing impairment
  • Limited access to technology (Laptop, Zoom, wifi)
  • Panic disorder caused by nervousness

However, this oral exam format has many obstacles and the current plan needs to be adjusted to reduce them. An alternative to the oral exam is a recorded exam. Tap the Start button to begin the recorded interview. The questions consisted of either a video recording or a written response which, allows students to chose either one. Once all questions have been answered, press the submit button to submit. It takes about 20 to 40 minutes to complete all the responses and can be redone several times. One advantage of the recording format is that busy people who do not have a device connected to an internship can borrow a laptop from the local library and submit their answers. It is also designed so that visually impaired people can use the text-to-speech feature to do so. As a result, all of the above barriers can be addressed. It is essential for universal design to design learning in such a way that the progress of all learners is not obstructed.

1 Comment

  1. ms25

    Hi Rikuto,

    I enjoyed reading your blog post this week. I enjoyed how you went and identified the barriers for success for the oral exam. I also agree with many of the points you made on potential barriers, specifically the panic attack induced from nervousness. I think this factor is often overlooked and not mentioned. After reading your blog, I now have an understanding of the various factors that can inhibit activities.

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